Maldives and China Forge Comprehensive Strategic Partnership with 20 Key Agreements

Maldives and China Forge on

In a landmark diplomatic move, Chinese President Xi Jinping and Maldivian President Mohamed Muizzu recently concluded talks, solidifying their commitment to a Comprehensive Strategic Cooperative Partnership. The leaders inked 20 crucial agreements spanning diverse areas of cooperation, affirming the depth of their collaboration.

Published On January 11th, 2024

Maldives and China Forge

Key Points:

  1. State Visit and Diplomatic Elevation:
    • President Muizzu expressed honor in his first state visit to China, becoming the first foreign head of state hosted by China in the year.
    • Both leaders underscored the significance of bilateral relations, paving the way for comprehensive collaboration.
  2. Respect for National Development:
    • President Xi reiterated China’s respect and support for the Maldives in charting its development path.
    • China pledged firm support for safeguarding the Maldives’ national sovereignty, independence, and territorial integrity.
  3. Comprehensive Strategic Cooperative Partnership:
    • The bilateral ties were elevated to a Comprehensive Strategic Cooperative Partnership, marking a milestone in their diplomatic relationship.
  4. Signing of 20 Key Agreements:
    • Agreements cover tourism cooperation, disaster risk reduction, blue economy, and investments in the digital economy.
    • Specifics of China’s grant assistance to the Maldives remain undisclosed.
  5. Belt and Road Initiative and Infrastructure Projects:
    • Acceleration of the Belt and Road Initiative Cooperation Plan, social housing projects, fisheries processing factories, and Male’ and Villimale’ Roads Development Projects.
  6. State Visit Ceremonies and Hospitality:
    • Ceremonial red carpet welcome at the Great Hall of People and a state banquet hosted by President Xi.
  7. Diplomatic Challenges with India:
    • Diplomatic row with India overshadowing the visit due to derogatory remarks and alleged anti-India sentiments during the 2023 elections.
    • EU Election Observation Mission report raises questions about the legitimacy of President Muizzu’s presidency.
  8. China’s Support and Governance Exchange:
    • Despite challenges, President Xi expresses readiness to exchange governance experience, aiming to strengthen development synergy.
  9. Chinese Tourists and Economic Impact:
    • Appeal for increased Chinese tourists amid cancellations from India, traditionally the largest visitor contributor.
    • Economic repercussions of strained India-Maldives relations highlighted.
  10. Economic and Trade Relations:
    • Substantial growth in economic ties, with bilateral trade reaching USD 451.29 million in 2022.
    • China’s exports dominate bilateral trade, emphasizing economic importance.
  11. Investment Opportunities and Maldives Investment Forum:
    • President Muizzu seeks Chinese investments for 11 projects, positioning the Maldives as an attractive investment destination.

Government of the Maldives

Exam-Related Questions:

  1. How many key agreements were signed between China and the Maldives during the talks?
    • A) 15
    • B) 20
    • C) 25
  2. Which sector is NOT mentioned among the agreements signed between the two countries?
    • A) Tourism cooperation
    • B) Disaster risk reduction
    • C) Space exploration
  3. Which country traditionally constitutes the largest number of visitors to the Maldives, and is currently facing cancellations due to diplomatic tensions?
    • A) India
    • B) China
    • C) Russia

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